It was great to see everyone at the party. Thanks for coming and great costumes!

I'll be leaving the existing pictures up for a few weeks while I update the website on my computer prior to uploading so check back. Please use the email links to send me an email. I need your email address so I can let you know when the new pix are online and for future parties.

I did add one new picture already. Remember I said I wanted to fake some crime photos? I stuck a link at the bottom of this page to my first crime photo. Take a look at the Black Dahlia.

I got a few good pix for the sidshow banners in Human Oddities. I want to get them up asap. Watch for the Tattooed Woman, The Snake Charmer and another Bearded Lady!

Whoever the girl was I was talking to about her kiln please email me!!!


I still have all the grave stones you guys have contributed and the Shady Rest Cemetery will rise again. If you are not already dead and buried please try to make your own grave stone so I can include you. The grave yard is even better with

I got a few post mortem pictures from the this party that I will be adding to The Book. Remember to dress appropriately if you want a casket photo taken. The photo must have an authentic look in sepia to make it into the Book.

The Devil sees all and knows all.

What will your question be? The ones I've recorded so far aren't much to giggle at. I keep having to make stuff up.

the cemetery fence I've enclosed the front yard with. Click on the graveyard to pay your respects and get some pointers on how to make a grave stone. And don't forget to bring flowers for your grave when you come to the party!
Take a look at what I've done with the freak show. This could be so much fun if I could get more people to participate. Think about it and get freaky next year!
Click the skull below to view pictures from 2004 while I'm updating. Click on Homicide to view my first crime photo.